We help active people in the Atlanta area take control of their health and wellness today so they may thrive and enjoy the best years ahead.

beauty, brains + brawn

Following 16 years partnering with traditional physical therapy companies throughout Atlanta, Functionize Founder Lauren Sok had a nice gig - solid salary, stellar colleagues and a stable lifestyle.
Despite all this, she was unfulfilled and frustrated - ending each day feeling that she wasn’t able to give her best to her patients. Mired in productivity goals and bound by insurance-induced demands for immediate diagnosis, Lauren felt she was stuck with the same symptom-centric options that resulted in mediocre care.
She knew her patients deserved better. They deserved individual care plans. They deserved one-on-one time and attention. They deserved practitioners who would do whatever needed to be done to get them back to full, pain-free function. They deserved health and wellness expertise committed to and fiercely fighting for them as a human being - not a number or a billable.
Amidst rising healthcare costs and deductibles, Lauren saw her patients desperately seeking personal care that encompasses the whole person, not just a specific injury or condition.
Encouraged by peers and motivated by her patients, Lauren began doing private-pay physical therapy for clients throughout Virginia Highlands, Druid Hills, and Inman Park.
As her patients became advocates and ambassadors spreading the good word, Lauren’s business grew to a point where she was ready to start her own practice. In June 2015, she founded Functionize, a cash-based physical therapy clinic in Downtown Decatur with the simple, yet profound mission of helping everyday athletes in the Atlanta area transform their lives and get back to the things they love.
No longer restricted to fast diagnosis, canned options or limited visits, Lauren is able to get her clients better faster, while empowering them to become a lifelong force of movement.
Since opening its doors, Functionize has added two more physical therapists, a pilates instructor, dietitian, and massage therapist to the wellness mix. Together, they work as a collaborative, comprehensive team committed to overall wellness.
Aside from therapy, Functionize also offers small group fitness classes, workshops and education.
In 2016, Functionize expanded to Druid Hills Golf Club focusing on active adults and athletes aiming to achieve peak performance in tennis, golf, swimming and general fitness. By 2021, Lauren opened another location in her own neighborhood of Dunwoody, GA.
Today, Functionize continues to grow with a focus on unlocking potential, providing enlightenment, and promoting understanding among active adults who are forward thinking in their health and wellness.

Our team believes you can become a force of movement through proactive prevention, a personalized care plan, and holistic approach to health. To accomplish all this, we are all about treating you as a whole person as opposed to a sum of symptoms.
Our current medical environment is quick to diagnose before turning to a temporary band aid for the symptom - pills, shots or surgery. At Functionize, we aim to get beyond the symptoms to address the core cause which is the true course to healing and health.
The path back to our healthiest self is not through quick fixes, passive approaches and outdated methods. Rampant in traditional, third-party-pay physical therapy practices, this strategy is stagnant and less effective - you’ll soon find our approach is fantastically different!
Functionize is a private-pay, or "cash-based," rehab and performance center for the everyday athlete. Before your heart seizes from sticker shock, let’s shed some light on what cash-based physical therapy is and how this method will likely save you time, money and resources, while also helping you achieve your desired result.