We help active people in the Atlanta area take control of their health and wellness today so they may thrive and enjoy the best years ahead.

The Fit Run Shop

Offers A New Experience
To Improve Your Running Performance
Combining the expertise of POSE Running Certified Physical Therapists
and the newest footwear technology from Big Peach Running Co.,
we offer a fitting service like no other.
Comfort in a running shoe is one of the most important aspects of your running performance
- but what if you could combine comfort with action?
With the Fit Run Shop, not only are you fitted for comfort, but your running gait
can also be analyzed in real time.
We provide a one-stop shop
for runners trying to take their performance to the next level.
Whether you're struggling with pain,
beginning your running journey,
or competing as a life-long runner,
we can help you find a shoe you like
AND perform well in.

We house some of Big Peach's
premier footwear
to ensure that you find the shoe
that matches your running needs.

Experience A Better Run
At The Fit Run Shop
When You Sign Up
For A FIT RUN SHOP Fitting,
Our Team Will Be Fitting
You First For Comfort.
We will provide you with our initial footwear recommendation based on historical factors including: brand preference, prior injuries, anatomical make-up, and running volume/intensity.

A Fit Run Shop Assessment Is:
A fifty minute fitting assessment with a physical therapist to help understand your injury history,
current training plan and performance goals.
This will include:
-Discussion of current shoewear
-A shoe fitting of the "Best Selling" shoes from Big Peach Running Co.
-Video analysis of running gait with before and after comparison images
-Suggestions to improve running efficiency
-A copy of our Running Readiness Checklist
All Fit Run Shop assessments can be combined with our Master Your Running program.
From there, you will actually run in our preliminary selection of shoes. Under video analysis, we will show you which shoe best fits your running gait and compliments your anatomy.
Check out our Master Your Running Program.
It is a 5-Session process that breaks down running education and application into simple forms:
Session 1: history, evaluation, filming, and introduction of concepts
Session 2: pain reduction via "pose"
Session 3: run faster via "falling"
Session 4: run longer via "pulling"
Session 5: re-evaluation, filming, program introduction
Learn more how you can start running faster, farther, and injury-free
with our Master Your Running Program today!

After your fitting and analysis are complete,
we will provide you with a QR code and promo code
so that you can purchase and pick up your shoes
from Big Peach directly.
You will also receive 10% off your purchase.
Call 404-907-4196 to set up your
Fit Run Shop experience!